Explore AI Tools

Unlock ChatGPT in 5 Minutes! What It Is and How It Works!

ChatGPT: Explore the AI Powerhouse in 5 Minutes - Its Applications in Sales, Marketing, Content, Programming, Customer Support, Drawbacks, and Future.
ChatGPT Explained in 5 Minutes
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A talented programmer, John is considering starting a company that uses his mobile application for restaurant booking and reservations. He is considering using a single AI tool, chatGPT, developed by OpenAI, to start his company without hiring new people. ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art natural language processing model that can answer questions without being explicitly told what the answer is. It can provide full-fledged sales pitches, marketing strategies, ad copies, and complete customer support emails, all customized to the user’s requirements. However, the bot is still in its early stages and may not be able to perform all tasks.


  1. What is ChatGPT?
    – Introduction to ChatGPT
    – Explanation of ChatGPT’s capabilities and features
  2. ChatGPT Explained
    – Overview of how ChatGPT works
    – Description of its neural network architecture
    – Explanation of how it provides responses without explicit instructions
  3. ChatGPT in Sales
    – How ChatGPT can assist in sales pitches
    – Customized sales strategies based on prompts
    – Tips for pitching products effectively
  4. ChatGPT in Marketing
    – Efficient marketing strategies provided by ChatGPT
    – Trending keywords for SEO purposes
    – Ad copy generation for websites and blogs
  5. ChatGPT in Programming
    – Proofreading and bug fixing assistance for code
    – Sample code structures for different programming languages
    – Enabling focus on core functionality and workflow improvement
  6. ChatGPT in Content Creation
    – Generating full-length blog posts with high accuracy
    – Customization options for subject matter and language complexity
  7. ChatGPT in Customer Support
    – Drafting complete customer service emails based on situations
    – Time and resource-saving alternative for call center professionals
    – Adjusting the tone of messages to reflect their nature
  8. Drawbacks of ChatGPT
    – Limitations due to training data up to 2021
    – Inability to provide the latest news or current date/time
    – Limited understanding of context and occasional inaccuracies
  9. Future of ChatGPT
    – Potential for automated divisions and organizations
    – Serving as a digital assistant
    – Boosting productivity with minimal manpower


You can click the “+” button on the Chapter label in the video to see a summary of each chapter.


Simplilearn. (2023, January 24). Chat GPT explained in 5 minutes | What is chat GPT ? | Introduction to chat GPT. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ao7Z8duDXc

Course details
Duration 5 MIN
Lectures 1
Video 5 MIN
Level Beginner