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From Usual to UnUsual - Rick Yvanovich – TEDxRizalStreet

Discover how successful entrepreneur Rick Yvanovich overcame burnout and found balance through self-care and a holistic approach to life.
From Usual to UnUsual - Rick Yvanovich - TEDxRizalStreet - 01
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Rick Evanovich, a successful entrepreneur, shares his journey of working hard to achieve success, but ultimately realizing that his “work harder” mantra was no longer sustainable. He recounts his struggles with long COVID, which significantly impacted his health and well-being, forcing him to re-evaluate his priorities and find a new path. He emphasizes the importance of nurturing his “Tower of Life Force” through self-care and prioritizing health, and acknowledges the strength in asking for help, which he found through a holistic coaching program.


1.    Introduction
– Rick shares his personal experience of feeling like life is a constant struggle to get ahead.
– He talks about how he was always told to work harder, even when he achieved success.

2.    Rick’s story
– Rick describes his journey of working hard to climb the career ladder.
– He shares his sacrifices, including his first marriage and the toll it took on his mental health.
– He emphasizes his belief in the work-hard philosophy and how it drove his success.

3.    Blind taste test
– Rick reveals his experience with long COVID and the impact it had on his senses.
– He describes the frustration of his fluctuating sense of taste and smell.
– He talks about the brain fog and exhaustion he experienced, making it difficult to focus and make decisions.

4.    Castle
– Rick introduces the metaphor of a castle as a representation of life.
– He explains that the castle symbolizes home, safety, sanctuary, structure, and solid foundations.
– He shares three key lessons he learned from his experience with long COVID: nurturing the Tower of Life Force, asking for help, and finding balance.


You can click the “+” button on the Chapter label in the video to see a summary of each chapter.



YouTube. (n.d.). From Usual to UnUsual – Rick Yvanovich – TEDxRizalStreet. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSak863KbBM

Course details
Duration 15 MIN
Lectures 1
Video 15 MIN
Level Beginner